October 27, 2023

New Bike

I finally hit order” and bought my new bike last night. I paid for it with some semi-unexpected bonus money I got earlier this summer. After reading Die With Zero I figured, why not? I’ve had my previous bike 20-25 years, so assuming this one lasts me at least as long, I’ll be on Social Security (probably) and hopefully riding it all the time.

I bought a gravel build Hudski Doggler in International Orange. I was leaning toward a State or Poseidon but I read a good review of the Hudski, then the following day heard a podcast guest rave about his I changed my mind. It seemed too coincidental to ignore. Everything I’ve read said the bike is a joy to ride. I can’t wait. I just hope it gets here in time to enjoy it before winter hits.

UPDATE 10/31 - bike is arriving today!