April 30, 2024

What’s Happening - April 2024

Catching up since…wow January. Yeah, this tax season was tough, especially the last month. Every year the work seems to get more compact. We are basically down to a 6 week or so tax season since 1099s from investments are not due until February 15th now, and almost every client we work with has investments. Not to mention the constant corrected 1099s” we get up until and sometimes past the deadline.

In better news, the Dolphins won our 2nd winter indoor league, with an undefeated record. That was fun. We had a good start to our outdoor season, but have cooled off and will probably finish 4-4 which is about where we typically are.

My son’s Ajax club soccer team won their state tournament and will get to play in South Dakota this summer, which is exciting, and also, maybe not the most fun place to visit. We’ll see.

Overall I am taking it easier, trying to slow down and work a little less, but still get stuff done.

Some thoughtful articles or blogs I’ve read lately:

The Hidden Potential of Bicycles - I love riding my bike, and need to get out more. This article discusses pedal power vs driving cars. Spoiler alert - we spend a LOT of time working just to pay for our cars to get to work.

I love this poem directed to a person who carved their initials into a very old tree. Short, but to the point.

There is not much, if anything, I disagree with in Where I’m Coming From. The case for values over nations and how governments are like operating systems. This passage in particular is something I have thought about often:

I don’t think GDP (or money at all) is a great way to measure a society, either. It doesn’t say much about what an ordinary person’s experience actually is. It doesn’t measure human well-being, and that’s how we should be thinking about how well we’re doing. I’m less interested in is the stock market going up? than is being poor a death sentence? as a question — and I don’t think the first necessarily leads to a reduction in the second. More and more people agree.