July 26, 2024

A couple interesting articles I read recently, I wanted to highlight:

The Lancet comes right out and says it:

SARS-CoV-2 is a natural virus that found its way into humans through mundane contact with infected wildlife that went on to cause the most consequential pandemic for over a century. While it is scholarly to entertain alternative hypotheses, particularly when evidence is scarce, these alternative hypotheses have been implausible for a long time and have only become more-so with increasing scrutiny. Those who eagerly peddle suggestions of laboratory involvement have consistently failed to present credible arguments to support their positions.

Second one….Could it really be this simple?

  1. Biden elected President.
  2. Biden signs the Inflation Reduction Act which allowed the IRS to hire hundreds of accountants, allowing the agency to do their actual job - collect revenue (taxes).
  3. IRS collects a crap ton of money owed by the rich
    1. Note this wasn’t even disputed tax liability. The taxpayers had filed the returns, just never paid the tax!
    2. Next step is to go after non-filers.
  4. The rich throw their support to Trump, who wants to dismantle the IRS (and most of the government).