September 6, 2024

August seems like it flew by.

Everyone started school a couple of weeks ago, so the house is pretty dang quiet during the day. Just me and the dog. The kids are both at the new Francis Howell North building, which is amazing. We got a chance to tour it on Black and Gold Day and I came away very impressed. I was in awe of the industrial tech and shop class facilities. It made me slightly jealous I never was able to take those classed in high school.

Soccer has started up with the Dolphins kicking off with an 8-0 victory the first game. Francis Howell North started their season last night with a tough 0-5 loss, but with a lot of new starters it will take some time to gel.

Work is…fine. I hate extension season. The hardest part is getting client to send their stuff. I feel like I’m constantly nagging people.

It also seems to be notice season as well with several random weird situations popping up in the past couple of weeks.

In other news, I was very sad to hear about the landslide in Ketchikan, Alaska, which we had just visited a couple of months ago on our cruise.

My goal of 150 minutes of exercise a week has been going fairly well. Except for last weekend when I didn’t feel great, between biking to work on Wednesdays and a longer bike ride on the weekend I am hitting it fairly easily with some walks filling in the week.