October 1, 2024

What’s happening…It’s 4th quarter already. Ugh.

My goal of 150 minutes of exercise a week has been going fairly well. I kinda changed it up a bit to make it easier to schedule - shooting for 3 workouts per week. One of which is consistently my Wednesday commute to work via bike (35-40 min each way).

For example, last week I did a walk + bodyweight workout on Monday, rode my bike to work and back on Wednesday, then took another bike ride on Saturday. Total exercise time was about 3 hours. Not bad.

Unfortunately the Pedal the Cause ride was cancelled due to rain. This sucks, it was one thing I was really looking forward to.

The Dolphins are about 1/2 way through our season and doing well, with some tough games left remaining, but I think the girls are getting tuned up for high school tryouts. S other team, St Charles FC is currently undefeated and has a good chance to win their league, which is awesome.

Francis Howell North varsity soccer is playing better every game, still having some issues scoring but I think they will be in good shape as they approach the new GAC League tournament and Districts. I think A is having fun and feeling confident about his play, which is great to see.

Both kids went to FHN Homecoming dance this past weekend, then out with friends afterward. Which is kinda scary, but also we trust them and pretty confident they will make good choices.

I really enjoyed the Wealthy Accountant’s article about Healthy Life Expectancy which is top of mind as I quickly approach my 50th birthday next year. Between reading Die With Zero last year and this article, it is really making me mindful to spend money now and do things now on things that are important, instead of waiting for retirement. Sadly, the US healthy life expectancy (66.1 years) is pretty poor, and declining since 2010, compared to other developed nations. So if one retires at the normal” age of 65, they might have 1 year to enjoy it. Fuck that!